Brake through

The brakes gave me more trouble than expected. First the shoes. After inspection it was clear that only three of eight shoes were good enought to reline.

Brake shoes kopia

The three brake shoes at the right was OK

But I was lucky and find five good shoes by my forum friend Toby. Toby send his five and I send my three to Ian Harris and the problem was solved. A week later I could collect eight brake shoes relined at the post office!

The drums was in extraordinary good shape. The must have been machined in a lathe… excellent surface all around.

Brake drums in good shape

Brake drums in good shape

After cleaning and spraying the drums was good as new.

Brake drum ready

Brake drum ready

The backplate needs more attention. The lever bushes, the alignment between the brake cam lever and pin and even some rust gives me some hours tricky work but the result was good enough.

A backplate ready

A backplate ready

Ian Harris also delivered new springs and when the shoes was mounted it looked like this:

Brakeshoes mounted

Brakeshoes mounted

Nice, isn´t it?


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